Safety Rules:

Safety Rules
1. Only use your first name + your last initial.
2. Never give out Personal Information to anyone online.
3. "Anonymous" Comments will be deleted immediately.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Survival on an Island

Imagine that you are traveling around the world.  Your ship has dropped you off at a small island where you must care for yourself.  Write instructions about how you will use the plants to make a meal or a useful object.  Your instructions should have at least three steps.  Post your writing as a Comment.

Here again are the directions on how to Post a Comment: 
1. Click on the word "Comment"
2. Type your message. Check for and fix mistakes.
3. Click on "Select profile" below.
4. Choose "Name/URL"
5. Type in your First Name only with your Last Name initial. 
6. Click on "Post Comment"
7. Type in the Secret Password on the page
8. Click "Post Comment" again.