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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Survival on an Island

Imagine that you are traveling around the world.  Your ship has dropped you off at a small island where you must care for yourself.  Write instructions about how you will use the plants to make a meal or a useful object.  Your instructions should have at least three steps.  Post your writing as a Comment.

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  1. I will make food from the plants.
    1. I will pick the potatos.
    2. I will mash the potatos.
    3. I will eat the potatos.
    4. I will drink the cocoanut milk.

  2. Umm, mashed potatoes! Now that you've used plants to take care of your survival needs of food and drinks, can you think of another use of plants to help you with shelter (a place to live)?

  3. 1 I would some bambo and make a house out of it. 2 I would find a cocoannut tree and drink it. 3 And look for a barey bush so i can eat them. 4 And make a fan out of it.

  4. 1. I would get coconuts for drinks.

  5. I wood us a apple tree to make a apple piy.

  6. I will see animals at the zoo.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. 1. I would get some bamboo to make a house.2.I would get some coconuts to drink.

  9. 2.I would
    find a cow to get cheese

  10. I would get some magic bananas

  11. lets see.I wold pick some grass and make it into a whistle and see if a anything comes.if that dose not work I will yell , HEIIP!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. do you know what 4 and 4 is

  14. 3.i would find a ninja to get me food.

  15. I would find a cow for some milk,some weet,some tomatoes,and a hot place to make pizza.

  16. that is cool. i like the tomatoes.

  17. your funny chase i like tomatoes

  18. I can survaive on a island useing 100 things 1 of the things is a game called headbanz and that is how i can survaive on a island!
